Saturday 2 January 2010

Generic Conventions of Horror Films

Every Horror has a main antagonist who is usually the main element of fear from the film; due to this his face is often concealed, or ruined as a whole, for instance Freddy Krueger, horribly disfigured, Michael Myers, typical mask, as with Jason; sometimes their face is just concealed by cleaver uses of lighting and effects- this is scientifically proven to make anything scarier, it’s common nature to be afraid of something if within it’s face there is no expression. For example police hide their eyebrows with there helmets, this creates an air of authority. Often the killer will have an explained past , for instance a trauma during childhood- as the real star of the show in horror is the killer, the only constant in the films as the heroes ends up dead every time.

The Victims are usually an attractive female, this is the case in a lot of horror films which prompts people to complain about the misogyny within the genre, but when one really looks at it the 'Slasher' genre always has a strong female leader that takes control of her peers.

There is one thing that separates this sub-genre from thrillers and murder mysteries and the like, the level of blood and violence is very high within the films. The sub- genre pretty much moves away from the trivial use of plot lines and stories to focus on the blood, death and killing.

(some information from


Research on Horror Films

Horror/Slasher films were rife in the later part of the 90’s, after films took a more psychological route they turned to the easier to create the very simple horrifying Slasher genre, for instance older films such as Halloween and Jason depict a straight forward film to watch and direct; which when compared to nightmare on elm street becomes a more subverted genre ands it is ethically a Slasher film, but has very strong psychological elements to it which creates a more intensive and enjoyable experience for horror fans.

Slasher films typically revolve around one antagonist; usually a mentally deranged individual with some type of connection to the protagonist, or victim as usually is; there is one thing aside from generic academic conventions that defines the genre- POV shots from the psychopath or killer before and/or during a killing, this creates a very predictable but still equally enjoyable theme within the film that has been staple to it genre since psycho. People often mix up this sub garner with ‘Splatter Films’ such as ‘Brain-dead’ and other truly horrific films and other truly horrific films that have links with trangressive art movements as they use horrific imagery and unnecessary gore to prove a point or gain shock value, this type of film has been coined ‘Gorno.’

As earlier stated the trend was started off by a film called ‘Peeping Tom’ which then spawned ‘Psycho’ by Hitchcock- decades later the release of Halloween and Friday the 13th spawned countless copies in the 90’s such as scream and ‘ I know what you did last summer’. Long-running franchises in the genre tended to focus more and more on the returning villain than on surviving victims, effectively transforming charters onced viewed as freighting monsters into antiheroes. Notables include lather face, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger; all of whom have become some of the most recognizable 20th century American pop culture icons. The genre has been defined by a writer which tells us why the audience repeatedly go back to this genre of films, this following;

• Catharsis- Through a release of fears about bodily injury or from political or social tensions of the day.
• Recreation- An intense thrills seeking, physical experience akin to a roller coaster ride.
• Displacement- Audiences sexual desires are displaced onto the character in the film.

Another generic conventions of the genre is that of the ‘Final Girl’ in most horror films there is one girl left after the blood bath, ostensibly the one who will be left to tell the story, the reason as to why it’s usually a girl subverted, whether it is due tot eh fact that sex or just the fact that usually horrors are dominated by men is unknown.

(Several pieces of info. from


Friday 1 January 2010

Choosing a Genre for our trailer

Know I have researched into different genera I have found out a number of things for example, with more than one genre you can get a hybrid genera. This is where to genre collide to make a mega genera. Below is a list of Genre that I like the sound of, they are.

Action Films

Actions films are usually very high budget films and would typical include a lot of death defining stunts and explosions so basically blood pumping action. These genera typical is also very 2- dimensional usually with a good guy and bad guy designed for the audience to escape the real world and to encourage creative thinking. Famous Action films would be the likes of James Bond and Die Hard.

Action trailer would be really fun to make but this would be hard to make as I would need lots a special effects and lots of stunts.

Adventure Films

Adventures Films are usually have exciting and complex stories lines. They are also typically set in exotic locations with an exciting twist. The main charter is often seen as a role model who runs for disasters, hunts for treasure or searches for the unknown. Famous Adventure films are the likes of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider.

Adventure trailers are really cool but I don’t have exotic locations that are not easily acceptable so this is not a good idea to film a Adventure trailer.

Comedy Films

Comedy films are usually funny and simple story lines, they have the aim to make people laugh by blowing everyday situations out of proportion. They most popular genre of film are comedy because of theses values and easy storylines. Famous Comedy Films are the likes of Daddy Day-Care and Cheaper by the Dozen.

Comedy Trailer is an easy trailer to make if I can do it right I will put want to put this into consideration.

Crime Films

Crime films are usually showing the sinister side of like showing over aerated acts of crime. Storylines are usually easy to follow but often have twist in them. This is a popular genera because it can be a sinister escape form real life. Famous Crime films are The Godfather and The Untouchables.

A crime film is also an easy trailer to make if it is done properly this is another one that ill put into consideration.
Horror Films

Horror Films usually have thrill/shocker attributes to them were the audience can be shocked or scared. This is also a popular type of film because of it thrill factor! They usually are supernatural based or fantasy based. Famous Horror Films are Scream and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

A Horror films is also a good idea as this is the most common type of trailer/film done by media students so by this I can tell it’s an easy genre to make.

Now I have looked at this I'd like to look at making a Horror film I am now going to write different treatments and write my story boards. I will evaluate this a look and if I need to make any changes.


What is genre?

Research into Different types of genres of film

Every type of film has it own genre. I am going to research into different types of genres. I need to do to have a better idea on what type of genre that I am going to use. Below are the most popular genres.

Action Films

Actions films are usually very high budget films and would typical include a lot of death defining stunts and explosions so basically blood pumping action. These genera typical is also very 2- dimensional usually with a good guy and bad guy designed for the audience to escape the real world and to encourage creative thinking. Famous Action films would be the likes of James Bond and Die Hard.

Adventure Films

Adventures Films are usually have exciting and complex stories lines. They are also typically set in exotic locations with an exciting twist. The main charter is often seen as a role model who runs for disasters, hunts for treasure or searches for the unknown. Famous Adventure films are the likes of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider.

Comedy Films

Comedy films are usually funny and simple story lines, they have the aim to make people laugh by blowing everyday situations out of proportion. They most popular genera of film are comedy because of theses values and easy storylines. Famous Comedy Films are the likes of Daddy Day-Care and Cheaper by the Dozen.

Crime Films

Crime films are usually showing the sinister side of like showing over aerated acts of crime. Storylines are usually easy to follow but often have twist in them. This is a popular genera because it can be a sinister escape form real life. Famous Crime films are The Godfather and The Untouchables.

Drama Films

Drama Films are usually based in real life situations show love life, friendships and death. These can show two charters and how their relationship develops. These types of films are in the largest category as Drama films can cover so many different categories. Famous drama films are Atoment and Bridget Jones.

Historical films

Historical films are usually period based often Edwardian or Victorian. Then can also look a myths and legends and take an unusual look this is what makes the story line so popular. Famous Historical films are Pride and predigest and My Fair Lady.

Horror Films

Horror Films usually have thrill/shocker attributes to them were the audience can be shocked or scared. This is also a popular type of film because of it thrill factor! They usually are supernatural based or fantasy based. Famous Horror Films are Scream and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Science Fiction Films

Sci-Fi films are usually based with spaceships and aliens trying to destroy the world or making first contact this is another type of film that lets the audience mind run wild and give a brake form the real world. Famous Sci-fi films are Star trek and Star Wars.

War Films

War films are much like action films but can be based on real events like world war two. This genera of film is not as popular as most other genre thus they this isn’t a lot a famous war films. Some famous war films are Saving Privet Ryan and The Great Escape.

Western films

Western films are the major defining genre of the American film industry - a eulogy to the early days of the expansive American frontier. They are one of the oldest, most enduring genres with very recognizable plots. A famous western film is The Magnificent Seven.


The Birth Of Something Magical

Our task is to create a trailer. In order to do this we must have plenty of research and planning. Both of these shall be shown in this blog. Now Firstly We will need to look at different types of genre.