Thursday 7 January 2010

Character, Costume and Props.

Before we can create a storyboard, we have made a list of all the props and costumes we will need for our film, along with a character development. This is to give us an idea of which costumes and props will fit and relate to the style and genre of our film.

Detective Goose:- Believes himself to be extremely smart and intelligent.
  • Often mistaken and makes matters worse.
  • Extremely unobservant.
  • Oblivious to all clues.
  • Tries to appear mysterious.

Costume: Will wear a long dark trench coat, white shirt, black trousers and trilby. This displaying the stereotypical, cliche appearance of a detective in film noir.

This will display how we have developed his character into the film noir style but portrayed him in away that fits in with film parody.

Male Assistant:-( Although this goes against the film noir convention of a female assistant, we believe this will fit in with the parody genre)

  • Extremely smart.
  • Often correcting detective.
  • Discovers clues.
  • The one that solves the cases.

Costume: White shirt, braces, trousers. Colourful socks pulled over trousers. Oversize 'geek' glasses.

This will display the contrast of the detective and assistants costumes with their character.

Minor characters: Murderer, dead body.

the props that will be used will be a giant magnifying glass, this will be used by the detective. A notebook and camera for assistant.

This will display the conventions of film Noir in a stereotypical style, but the use of props and character will be in contrast to costume reflecting the spoof/parody style.


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